Sunday, March 19, 2006

The sign on the door of opportunity reads PUSH

Or so it said in my fortune cookie at the restaurant last night, after I'd stuffed down my favoured syrupy Catonese cuisine.

Well, it's finally here. I'm on my way today; at 9.30pm our plane departs from Heathrow to Mumbai. I suppose an emotional farewell beckons.

It's a beautiful sunny day in Windsor, not a gloomy one full of trepidation, which helps. The English cricket team are playing a test series against India in Mumbai and it lasts for another few day after we land, and I know from match reports that it's hot and sticky out there. Mosquito repellant is at the ready for when we land at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport at 11.40 tomorrow morning (20th March).

Enough prevaricating, time to go.


1 comment:

shaz said...

Aww I'll miss you chuck(s).
